Odometer Function

In this weeks Tech Tip we’ll show you how to how to set up the odometer function in our LTC dash units so it doesn’t reset back to “000000” each time you turn the ignition off.
To do this is very simple 👍🏼

Touch 👆🏼 the top left corner of the dash screen to switch the dash into “Handset” mode.

Arrow down ⬇️ to the “input sensor cal” page (Page 13)

Arrow across to the right ➡️ to the “HIbyte Odokm” screen (page 13, screen 10)

Adjust the “HIbyte Odokm” 👆🏼value to x01

Once this is done you’re all set 👍🏼
#techtuesday #injectingthefastest #LTCdash #efituning #microtechschool

Tech Tip – LTC Dash Odometer Function